Friday 2 May 2008

Body Modification

There are many things we do to modify ourselves, we don't even give it a second thought when we're doing it. A few examples: make-up, hair, clothes, manicures, henna.

I personally think it is entirely up to the individual what they wish to do with their bodies-it is their bodies after all. However, is cases where there is a child involved and their body modified without their say in it I think its quite sad. It is understandable as it is part of their culture etc, however, maybe parents sould wait until their children are at an age where they can make the decision?

There is the issue of regret after getting a tattoo. People tend to think about the future and what a tattoo will look like when they are older. However, if you are 100% happy with having the tattoo at the time, will it not just be a memory from the past? It marks a part in your life....STOP THINKING ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED IN THE PAST, DON'T WORRY ABOUT THE FUTURE, LIVE IN THE PRESENT!! Also, I think it's dissapointing that in some cases having a tattoo or peircing in a visable place could affect your chances of getting a job. Sterotypes are made and I don't think thats fair.

Plastic surgery...

It's sad to know that people feel they need surgery to be happy with the way they look. I think they way you look adds character. BUT, if people are really down about a certain physical feature about themselves, and it really affects them, then it's slightly different. In this case I would say "go for it".

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